Scrip code* | 539246 |
Name of the company* | Jyotirgamya Enterprises Limited |
Registered office address | |
Registered office address* | 1101, Tolstoy House, Tolstoy Marg, Near Janpath Crossing, Next to Honda Motor, New Delhi-110001 |
Registered office state* | Delhi |
Registered office city* | New Delhi |
Registered office pin code* | 110001 |
Registered office contact number* | STD Code* |
Registered office contact number* | 011-43561525 |
Registered office fax | - |
Correspondence address | |
Correspondence address | 1101, Tolstoy House, Tolstoy Marg, Near Janpath Crossing, Next to Honda Motor, New Delhi-110001 |
Correspondence state | Delhi |
Correspondence city | New Delhi |
Correspondence pin code | 110001 |
Correspondence contact number | STD Code |
Correspondence contact number | 011-43561525 |
Correspondence fax | - |
Email address* | |
Reporting quarter* | 31-12-2017 |
ISIN* | INE805R01018 |
Face value* | 10 |
Stock Exchange Details : | Name of stock Exchange | Listed Capital | % Of total issued capital |
Name of other stock exchanges where the company's securities are listed | BSE Ltd | 1000000 | 100 |
Capital Details : | ||
Number of shares | % Of total issued capital | |
Issued capital* | 1000000 | |
Listed capital (BSE) (As per company records)* | 1000000 | 100 |
Held in dematerialised form in CDSL* | 122598 | 12.26 |
Held in dematerialised form in NSDL* | 435902 | 43.59 |
Physical* | 441500 | 44.15 |
Total no.of shares* | 1000000 | 100 |
Reasons for difference if any, Between issued capital and listed capital* | ||
Reasons for difference if any, Between issued capital and total number of shares* | ||
Reasons for difference if any, Between listed capital and total number of shares* |
Certifying the details of changes in share capital during the quarter under consideration as per Table below : | |||||||
Serial No. | Particulars | No.of shares | Applied / Not Applied for listing | Listed on Stock Exchanges (Specify Names) | whether intimated to CDSL | whether intimated to NSDL | In-prin appr. pending for SE (Specify Names) |
Register of members is updated* | Yes |
If not, Updated upto which date | |
Reference of previous quarter with regards to excess dematerialised shares,If any. | NIL |
Has the company resolved the matter (excess dematerialised shares mentioned above) in the current quarter ? * | NA |
If not, Reason why ? |
Mentioned the total no.of requests, If any, confirmed after 21 days and the total no.of requests pending beyond 21 days with the reasons for delay | |||
Total no.of demat requests | No.of requests* | No.of shares* | Reasons for delay |
Confirmed after 21 days* | 0 | 0 | |
Pending for more than 21 days* | 0 | 0 |
Compliance Officer Details | |
Name of the compliance officer* | Sanchit Jaiswal |
Designation* | Company Secretary & Compliance Officer |
Membership Nos | 50766 |
Telephone no.* | 011-43561525 |
Fax no. | - |
E-mail id* | |
Certifying Auditor Details | |
CA/CS* | Company secretary |
Name of certifying auditor* | CS Sameer Kishore Bhatnagar |
Date of issue of report* | 08-01-2018 |
Address* | 26/6, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi – 110008 |
Contact no.* | 011-9953136262 |
Fax no. | - |
Membership no. | 30997 |
Firms registration number of audit firm | |
Name of the firm * | Sameer Kishore Bhatnagar |
COP number | 13115 |
Registrar and Share Transfer Agent Details | |
Appointment of common agency for share registry work* | Yes |
Name of RTA | Skyline Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. |
SEBI registration no. | INR000003241 |
Address | D-153A, Ist Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi-110020 |
State | Delhi |
City | New Delhi |
Pincode | 110020 |
Contact no. | 011-64732681 |
Fax number of RTA | - |
E-mail id | |
Website Address | |
Any other detail that the auditor may like to provide. (e.g. BIFR company, delisting from SE) |