Scrip code*539246
NSE Symbol
MSEI Symbol
Name of the company*Jyotirgamya Enterprises Limited
Registered office address
Registered office address*Office No.3, IInd Floor, P 37/38, Gomti Complex, Pandav Nagar, Mayur Vihar, Phase-1 New Delhi East Delhi
Registered office state*Delhi
Registered office city*Delhi
Registered office district*East Delhi
Registered office pin code*110091
Registered office contact number*ISD Code*STD Code*Number*
Registered office fax
Registered office country*INDIA
Registered office
Registered office
Correspondence address
Same as aboveYes
Correspondence addressOffice No.3, IInd Floor, P 37/38, Gomti Complex, Pandav Nagar, Mayur Vihar, Phase-1 New Delhi East Delhi
Correspondence stateDelhi
Correspondence cityDelhi
Correspondence districtEast Delhi
Correspondence pin code110091
Correspondence contact numberISD CodeSTD CodeNumber
Correspondence fax
Correspondence countryINDIA
Reporting quarter*31-12-2018
Face value*10

Stock Exchange Details :

Name of stock Exchange

Listed Capital

% Of total issued capital

Name of other stock exchanges where the company's securities are listedBSE Ltd2300000100

Capital Details :

Number of shares% Of total issued capital
Issued capital*2300000
Listed capital (BSE) (As per company records)*2300000100
Held in dematerialised form in CDSL*1321505.75
Held in dematerialised form in NSDL*172635075.06
Total no.of shares*2300000100
Reasons for difference if any, Between issued capital and listed capital*0
Reasons for difference if any, Between issued capital and total number of shares*0
Reasons for difference if any, Between listed capital and total number of shares*0

Certifying the details of changes in share capital during the quarter under consideration as per Table below :

Whether changes during the quarter*No

Register of members is updated*Yes
If not, Updated upto which date
Reference of previous quarter with regards to excess dematerialised shares,If any.
Has the company resolved the matter (excess dematerialised shares mentioned above) in the current quarter ?*Yes
If not, Reason why ?

Mentioned the total no.of requests, If any, confirmed after 21 days and the total no.of requests pending beyond 21 days with the reasons for delay

Total no.of demat requestsNo.of requests*No.of shares*Reasons for delay
Confirmed after 21 days*000
Pending for more than 21 days*000

Compliance Officer Details

Whether Qualified Company Secretary is Compliance Officer *Yes
Name of the compliance officer*Sanchit Jaiswal
Date of Appointment *31-10-2017
Designation*Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Membership NosA50766
Telephone no.*011-9718916040
Fax no.-
E-mail id*
Whether any change in Compliance Officer during the quarter *No
Whether the previous Compliance Officer was Qualified Company Secretary *Yes

Details of Previous Compliance Officer

Previous Compliance Officer Name
Membership Nos
Date of Appointment
Date of Cessation

Certifying Auditor Details

CA/CS*Company secretary
Name of certifying auditor*Pooja Tomar
Date of issue of report*09-01-2019
Address*PT-62/23, Kalkaji, New Delhi-110019
City*New Delhi
Contact no.*011-9599653433
Fax no.-
Membership no.*A51470
Firms registration number of audit firm
Name of the firm*Jango & Associates
COP number*19106

Registrar and Share Transfer Agent Details

Appointment of common agency for share registry work*Yes
Name of RTASkyline Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
SEBI registration no.INR000003241
AddressD-153A, Ist Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi-110020
Contact no.011-40450193
Fax number of RTA-
Website Address
Whether any change in Registrar and Share Transfer Agents *No
Previous Registrar and Share Transfer Agents Name
Date of Cessation
Any other detail that the auditor may like to provide. (e.g. BIFR company, delisting from SE)