General information about company |
Scrip code | 539246 |
NSE Symbol | |
MSEI Symbol | |
ISIN* | INE805R01018 |
Name of company | Jyotirgamya Enterprises limited |
Class of security | Equity |
Date of start of financial year | 01-04-2017 |
Date of end of financial year | 31-03-2018 |
Date of board meeting when results were approved | 30-05-2018 |
Date on which prior intimation of the meeting for considering financial results was informed to the exchange | 23-05-2018 |
Description of presentation currency | INR |
Level of rounding used in financial results | Actual |
Reporting Quarter | Yearly |
Nature of report standalone or consolidated | Standalone |
Whether results are audited or unaudited | Audited |
Segment Reporting | Single segment |
Description of single segment | Trading |
Start time of board meeting | 14:30 |
End time of board meeting | 15:30 |
Financial Results – Ind-AS |
Particulars | 3 months/ 6 months ended (dd-mm-yyyy) | Year to date figures for current period ended (dd-mm-yyyy) |
A | Date of start of reporting period | 01-01-2018 | 01-04-2017 |
B | Date of end of reporting period | 31-03-2018 | 31-03-2018 |
C | Whether results are audited or unaudited | Audited | Audited |
D | Nature of report standalone or consolidated | Standalone | Standalone |
Part I | Blue color marked fields are non-mandatory. For Consolidated Results, if the company has no figures for 3 months / 6 months ended, in such case zero shall be inserted in the said column. |
1 | Income |
| Revenue from operations | 0 | 3012416 |
| Other income | 546768 | 784527 |
| Total income | 546768 | 3796943 |
2 | Expenses |
(a) | Cost of materials consumed | 0 | 0 |
(b) | Purchases of stock-in-trade | 0 | 2923572 |
(c) | Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade | 0 | 0 |
(d) | Employee benefit expense | 238500 | 871167 |
(e) | Finance costs | 15252 | 71467 |
(f) | Depreciation, depletion and amortisation expense | 242509 | 242509 |
(f) | Other Expenses |
1 | Other Expenses | 257208 | 15582668 |
10 | | | |
| Total other expenses | 257208 | 15582668 |
| Total expenses | 753469 | 19691383 |
Financial Results – Ind-AS |
Particulars | 3 months/ 6 months ended (dd-mm-yyyy) | Year to date figures for current period ended (dd-mm-yyyy) |
A | Date of start of reporting period | 01-01-2018 | 01-04-2017 |
B | Date of end of reporting period | 31-03-2018 | 31-03-2018 |
C | Whether results are audited or unaudited | Audited | Audited |
D | Nature of report standalone or consolidated | Standalone | Standalone |
Part I | Blue color marked fields are non-mandatory. For Consolidated Results, if the company has no figures for 3 months / 6 months ended, in such case zero shall be inserted in the said column. |
3 | Total profit before exceptional items and tax | -206701 | -15894440 |
4 | Exceptional items | 0 | 0 |
5 | Total profit before tax | -206701 | -15894440 |
7 | Tax expense |
8 | Current tax | 0 | 0 |
9 | Deferred tax | 2082 | 2082 |
10 | Total tax expenses | 2082 | 2082 |
11 | Net movement in regulatory deferral account balances related to profit or loss and the related deferred tax movement | 0 | 0 |
14 | Net Profit Loss for the period from continuing operations | -208783 | -15896522 |
15 | Profit (loss) from discontinued operations before tax | 0 | 0 |
16 | Tax expense of discontinued operations | 0 | 0 |
17 | Net profit (loss) from discontinued operation after tax | 0 | 0 |
19 | Share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method | 0 | 0 |
21 | Total profit (loss) for period | -208783 | -15896522 |
22 | Other comprehensive income net of taxes | 0 | 0 |
Financial Results – Ind-AS |
Particulars | 3 months/ 6 months ended (dd-mm-yyyy) | Year to date figures for current period ended (dd-mm-yyyy) |
A | Date of start of reporting period | 01-01-2018 | 01-04-2017 |
B | Date of end of reporting period | 31-03-2018 | 31-03-2018 |
C | Whether results are audited or unaudited | Audited | Audited |
D | Nature of report standalone or consolidated | Standalone | Standalone |
Part I | Blue color marked fields are non-mandatory. For Consolidated Results, if the company has no figures for 3 months / 6 months ended, in such case zero shall be inserted in the said column. |
23 | Total Comprehensive Income for the period | -208783 | -15896522 |
24 | Total profit or loss, attributable to |
| Profit or loss, attributable to owners of parent | | |
| Total profit or loss, attributable to non-controlling interests | | |
25 | Total Comprehensive income for the period attributable to |
| Comprehensive income for the period attributable to owners of parent | 0 | 0 |
| Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to owners of parent non-controlling interests | 0 | 0 |
26 | Details of equity share capital |
| Paid-up equity share capital | 2300000 | 2300000 |
| Face value of equity share capital | 10 | 10 |
27 | Details of debt securities |
| Paid-up debt capital | | |
| Face value of debt securities | | |
28 | Reserves excluding revaluation reserve | | 7874825 |
29 | Debenture redemption reserve | | |
30 | Earnings per share |
i | Earnings per equity share for continuing operations |
| Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations | -0.09 | -6.91 |
| Diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations | -0.09 | -6.91 |
ii | Earnings per equity share for discontinued operations |
| Basic earnings (loss) per share from discontinued operations | 0 | 0 |
| Diluted earnings (loss) per share from discontinued operations | 0 | 0 |
ii | Earnings per equity share |
| Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing and discontinued operations | -0.09 | -6.91 |
| Diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing and discontinued operations | -0.09 | -6.91 |
31 | Debt equity ratio | | |
32 | Debt service coverage ratio | | |
33 | Interest service coverage ratio | | |
34 | Disclosure of notes on financial results | |
Statement of Asset and Liabilities |
Particulars | Current year ended (dd-mm-yyyy) |
Date of start of reporting period | 01-04-2017 |
Date of end of reporting period | 31-03-2018 |
Whether results are audited or unaudited | Audited |
Nature of report standalone or consolidated | Standalone |
| Assets |
1 | Non-current assets |
| Property, plant and equipment | 18522204 |
| Capital work-in-progress | |
| Investment property | |
| Goodwill | 0 |
| Other intangible assets | 0 |
| Intangible assets under development | |
| Biological assets other than bearer plants | |
| Investments accounted for using equity method | |
| Non-current financial assets |
| Non-current investments | 4897125 |
| Trade receivables, non-current | |
| Loans, non-current | 5763667 |
| Other non-current financial assets | |
| Total non-current financial assets | 10660792 |
| Deferred tax assets (net) | 122208 |
| Other non-current assets | |
| Total non-current assets | 29305204 |
2 | Current assets |
| Inventories | 1245110 |
| Current financial asset |
| Current investments | 0 |
| Trade receivables, current | 2049600 |
| Cash and cash equivalents | 459050 |
| Bank balance other than cash and cash equivalents | 0 |
| Loans, current | 9941424 |
| Other current financial assets | |
| Total current financial assets | 12450074 |
| Current tax assets (net) | |
| Other current assets | |
| Total current assets | 13695184 |
Statement of Asset and Liabilities |
Particulars | Current year ended (dd-mm-yyyy) |
Date of start of reporting period | 01-04-2017 |
Date of end of reporting period | 31-03-2018 |
Whether results are audited or unaudited | Audited |
Nature of report standalone or consolidated | Standalone |
3 | Non-current assets classified as held for sale | |
4 | Regulatory deferral account debit balances and related deferred tax Assets | |
| Total assets | 43000388 |
| Equity and liabilities |
| Equity |
| Equity attributable to owners of parent |
| Equity share capital | 25474000 |
| Other equity | 7868685 |
| Total equity attributable to owners of parent | 33342685 |
| Non controlling interest | |
| Total equity | 33342685 |
| Liabilities |
| Non-current liabilities |
| Non-current financial liabilities |
| Borrowings, non-current | 534057 |
| Trade payables, non-current | |
| Other non-current financial liabilities | |
| Total non-current financial liabilities | 534057 |
| Provisions, non-current | 0 |
| Deferred tax liabilities (net) | |
| Deferred government grants, Non-current | |
| Other non-current liabilities | |
| Total non-current liabilities | 534057 |
| Current liabilities |
| Current financial liabilities |
| Borrowings, current | 0 |
| Trade payables, current | 2659000 |
| Other current financial liabilities | 6464646 |
| Total current financial liabilities | 9123646 |
| Other current liabilities | |
| Provisions, current | 0 |
| Current tax liabilities (Net) | |
| Deferred government grants, Current | |
| Total current liabilities | 9123646 |
3 | Liabilities directly associated with assets in disposal group classified as held for sale | |
4 | Regulatory deferral account credit balances and related deferred tax liability | |
| Total liabilities | 9657703 |
| Total equity and liabilites | 43000388 |
| Disclosure of notes on assets and liabilities | |
Format for Reporting Segmenet wise Revenue, Results and Capital Employed along with the company results |
Particulars | 3 months/ 6 month ended (dd-mm-yyyy) | Year to date figures for current period ended (dd-mm-yyyy) |
Date of start of reporting period | 01-01-2018 | 01-04-2017 |
Date of end of reporting period | 31-03-2018 | 31-03-2018 |
Whether accounts are audited or unaudited | | |
Nature of report standalone or consolidated | Standalone | Standalone |
1 | Segment Revenue (Income) |
| (net sale/income from each segment should be disclosed) |
| Total Segment Revenue | | |
| Less: Inter segment revenue | | |
| Revenue from operations | | |
2 | Segment Result |
| Profit (+) / Loss (-) before tax and interest from each segment |
| Total Profit before tax | | |
| i. Finance cost | | |
| ii. Other Unallocable Expenditure net off Unallocable income | | |
| Profit before tax | | |
3 | (Segment Asset - Segment Liabilities) |
| Segment Asset |
| Total Segment Asset | | |
| Un-allocable Assets | | |
| Net Segment Asset | | |
4 | Segment Liabilities |
| Segment Liabilities |
| Total Segment Liabilities | | |
| Un-allocable Liabilities | | |
| Net Segment Liabilities | | |
| Disclosure of notes on segments | |